Which Diagnostic
What you measure is what you stand for. What gets measured gets done. You can’t manage what you don’t measure. We live in the information age where diagnostic excellence drives individual, social and organizational progress. Today’s coaching solutions must be grounded in cutting-edge coaching technology, leadership science and proven best practices.
Good coaches know that valid, accurate behavioural information and insight are the building blocks of great development opportunities for both coachees and organisations. The question isn’t whether the right information and insight are essential. The question is how to get it.
A diagnostic instrument provides a sound basis for beginning a personal development or leadership journey and can assist with creating self awareness of personal style. Many people don’t have a realistic assessment of their actual behaviour, and a diagnostic instrument is a useful starting point.
A diagnostic instrument also provides for a sound basis for measuring the current Culture of your organisation at the beginning of a cultural transformation journey. The culture of your organisation is a reflection of the values and beliefs of the current leaders of your organisation, and the values and beliefs of past leaders that have been institutionalised in the incentives, policies, structures, systems, processes and procedures implemented during previous times.
Our coaches have accreditations in a wide range of diagnostic instruments and assessment tools. These instruments provide a sound and helpful foundation for individuals in their personal development or leadership journey and organisations in the Cultural Transformation journey. When used with individuals in a team, or across an organisation they can also establish a common language to discuss leadership styles and desired approach and behaviours.