Who will be your coach mentor?

john_sharp_passportYOUR MENTOR John Sharp

John has been a professional coach for 12 years, a member of the ICF for 8, a Professional Certified Coach for 4 and is a member of the Professional Standards Committee of the International Coach Federation of Australasia (ICFA).   He has served on the ICFA & later ICF Global Coach Supervision task force for 2 years developing a set of Competencies for Coach Supervisors and is currently serving on the ICFA/ICFUK  now ICF Global Coach Mentoring task force to refine the advertised International Coach Federation Competencies for Coach Mentors.
He is also Credentialing Lead for ICF Western Australia so is ideally placed to support you through mentoring in your quest for Coaching Excellence He is registered on the International Coach Federation Mentor Coach Registry and is able to demonstrate the Competencies and display the Personal Traits required by the International Coach Federation as he performs his duties in conducting both group and individual mentoring. He provides coach mentoring designed to support coaches in attaining credentials as well as simply for continuing professional development. These can be delivered one on one, in group sessions and as a combination of both
DISCLAIMER: Just because John is Credentialing Lead for ICF Western Australia and a member of  the ICF Global Coach Mentoring task force, we cannot guarantee that as a result of his coach mentoring you will definitely attain the ICF credential you are seeking.

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